Without Feeling Burnt Out or Overwhelmed
Let me guess...
You’ve already had incredible success in your business - but deep down, you know you’re capable of so much more!
You’re no newbie to the business world and have already hit impressive milestones…
From income goals to impact, you're proud of what you’ve achieved.
But the Problem?
Your business has hit a standstill.
And without sugarcoating it…it’s frustrating.
But deep down, you know that taking everything on yourself and chasing every new goal is actually holding you back from the big shift you're ready for.
Maybe you can relate to one (or more) of these:
You’re saying yes to more clients than you can handle, and you’re
completely swamped because you’re unorganized
You know you need to grow a team, but the thought of trusting
others feels like a massive risk because you’re used to doing it all
You’ve hit a revenue ceiling and have no idea how to break through
without putting in more hours or completely neglecting your family.
You’re scattered, putting out fires instead of making strategic moves
to actually grow.
And I don’t blame you.
Your business has succeeded so far because of your drive to take it all on.
I have been there myself!
But here’s a hard truth:
What has gotten you to this point won’t get
you to your next level and beyond.
Feeling overwhelmed and stretched too thin.
Working longer hours but not seeing the growth you deserve.
Saying yes to everything, leaving little time for the things that
really matter.
Constantly putting out fires instead of moving forward with a
clear plan.
You’ve been hustling hard, but the truth is:
Your current path isn't sustainable for the next level of success you’re craving.
If you keep trying to carry it all on your shoulders,
it could all crumble at any moment.
But listen, this isn’t your fault.
I know you’ve been doing the best you can.
You haven’t gotten to this point by accident.
You’ve been putting in the work, showing up every day, and doing everything you know to keep your business moving forward.
But there’s a reason you’re stuck…
It’s not because you’re not working hard enough— it’s because you’re trying to do it all on your own.
You’ve reached a point where more effort isn’t the solution and it’s time to come clean with your inner voice.
It’s time to do something different
What you need is real
accountability, support, feedback, and community to scale and hit your goals with ease and peace.
With the right accountability, you’ll follow through on your most important goals and stop wasting time on distractions.
Expert support will help you avoid mistakes and make measurable progress.
Honest feedback will give you the clarity and direction you need to make big decisions with confidence.
And a community of like-minded female business owners who will lift you up, challenge you, and push you to grow.
This isn’t about doing more—it’s about focusing on goals that will
actually move your business forward and having the accountability
to finish the projects you’ve committed to.
It’s about having a safe place to talk through your struggles and
goals, and making massive shifts to improve how your team and
business operate to increase productivity.
You need to know you aren’t alone!
And that’s exactly what you’ll find inside…
We begin
Here’s the Support You’ll Have Inside the Wake Up and Show Up Mastermind to Stick to Your Goals and Scale Your Business:
Accountability That Ensures Follow-Through:
This isn’t about promises—it’s about follow-through and consistent execution.
With structured calls, daily check-ins, The Accountability Code and “a Loving Kick in the Pants” (that’s me, Marci), you’ll be held to the highest standard you’ve always wanted for yourself.
You’ll stay focused on the tasks that move the needle, and you’ll learn to remove any expectations or distractions that aren’t serving you.
Strategic, Personalized Support:
You won’t be left by yourself to guess when tough decisions come up.
You’ll receive expert, tailored guidance to address your specific business
challenges—whether it’s building a team, refining operations, or scaling
This is support that keeps you sharp and intentional.
Clear, Actionable Feedback:
No fluff, no beating around the bush, and no vague or surface level
You’ll learn to crave straightforward feedback from me and your successful peers that helps you make smarter decisions, avoid costly mistakes, and stay on track.
A Community That Accelerates Results:
This isn’t just any group. You’ll be surrounded by women who understand both the struggles and the desire to have and be more! Not only will you push each other to the next level, you’ll create lasting relationships that continue to give.
You deserve a community that shares real insights, tackles challenges head-on, and celebrates YOU for taking aligned action.
Now Don’t Just Take My Word For It –
Here’s What Clients Have Said About
Working Together
Hey, I'm Marci
AKA Your Loving Kick in the Pants
Let’s get straight to the point—I’m not here to sugarcoat things.
My coaching style is all about giving you the direct, loving push you need to stop talking and start doing.
A Final Note From Marci
I’ve been where you are, and I’ve developed The Accountability Code to help you stay aligned in both mind and body, making follow-through feel natural and effortless. I practice what I preach and I’m here to show you the way.
I’ve helped hundreds of women transform their lives and businesses, by showing them how to scale their income, hire and fire for effective teams, and my favorite, showing them how to make follow through easy and peaceful!
My mission? To help you remove distractions, strip incorrect expectations to get clear on your goals, and claim the life you deserve.
My passion is helping others learn how to hold themselves accountable because by doing so you become a better person, smarter business owner, desirable partner, and the best mom in the world!
It’s time to...
Because you deserve a life that lights you up and a business that runs smoothly, grows sustainably, and gives you the freedom to focus on what matters most to you.
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